KR 1000 Alligator Clip

KR 1000

Alligator clip, 6mm opening width, PVC insulating sleeve, and solder connection. Available in black and red.

KR 4000 Alligator Clip

KR 4000

Alligator Clip, 49mm long, with 4mm Ø hole for possible connection of 4mm connection leads Nickel plated.

KR 4040 Alligator clip

KR 4040

Alligator (Dolphin) Clip, with 4mm Ø socket for connections of 4mm connecting leads Available in black, red, blue, yellow, green and white.

SI-KR 4040 Safety alligator clip

SI-KR 4040

Safety alligator (Dolphin) Clip, with 4mm Ø safety socket for connection of 4mm safety leads Available in black, red, blue, yellow, green and white.